Latest Updates - 6/30

By Phil Forslund | Friday, June 30, 2017

Sorry for the length of time it has been since the last update. A lot of changes have been made to the system.

Beer Menu Updates

Fixed an error in what beers were being pulled from the API. It now pulls every beer in the database.
We added Brewery search to the beer selection.
​We increased the number for results that show up in the search field.
​Fixed an issue where beers were not mapped to the brewery correctly

Support System

Date Submitted and Ticket Type were added to the dashboard display of the tickets.
Added a new sort for Ticket Type.
Added two new Ticket Types: Feature Request — Platform Dev. and Feature Request — Custom Dev.
Updated Ticket Type Bug to Bug/Fix 
Added new Ticket Status options: In Progress, Quote Sent, Quote Approved and Closed.

Interface Blog

Content Managers now have permissions to change the Author of blogs on Interfaces.

Interface Website Link in the Sidebar

There was an issue where a URL would be cut off in the sidebar if the website address was to long. If the URL is longer than 20 characters, it will change it to Visit Our Website. 

App Settings

Every app now supports an option for Full HTML for the Body description of the app in App Settings. This change was to help in custom development for free-standing interfaces.


If an event is happening at a location other than the location of the business, it now shows the address below the description with a map. When this happen it also removes the map from the right sidebar.
We have updated the look of the link for Directions in the right sidebar.

Take a look here:

Truncate of Listings on Mobile Display

Truncating of listing on desktop/mobile was 65 words. Mobile has been changed to 15 words to bring the listings on mobile display closer together. 

Cannabis App

E-Commerce link can now be added to each item.
We added an Level Type for THC and CBD. There is now a radio button with the options of % and mg. This is for better handling of edible products.
Added the following to the Weight varieties: Each and .5 g

Listing Drafts

LMC users can no longer edits Drafts in the system for Listings. You will get the following message if you try to edit an active Draft:

Accommodation or Property App Content Pages

The display of the content pages has been updated. It had almost no data on it before this. The only way to get to these pages is normally by search since in the system we link direct to the company's website. We have started to put these offers in emails, and there is no way to track the click in the emails back to us. This way we can send the click to these pages and the user can go onto the website from there. We wanted to make sure the numbers will show up in the company's analytics as us. Below is an example of a hotel and vacation rental company.

SEO & Site Structure

There have been a number of changes to the sites to help better optimize the site for search. This is always a continuing process, and the sites keep getting better and better.

Interface Menu

In the dashboard of the interface you have the Menu option. From here you can change the order of the display of the apps and also have Navigation options for custom websites. We have added a new option for Only show on wrapped interface.


Under the Administrative settings of the Interface, there is now a option for Remarketing. This is where code for a tracking pixel can be added to the Interface.



If you have any questions or comments. Feel free to email