Manage Interface Content Display

By Phil Forslund | Thursday, May 4, 2017

A new design/display will be going live for managing interface content on May 12, 2017.

On the dashboard of the interface you have the option to manage items for the following apps: 

Accommodation Offers
Vacation Rentals
Real Estate Listings
Cannabis (New)
Our Products
Things To Do
Things We Need


The current display of these items looks like this:


The new design for the same item would look like this:


This update is being done for the following reasons:

Makes for a clearer understanding of the order of the items because the boxes aren't side by side.
This design removes scroll bars from the items display. 
Items take up less room and more can be displayed without scrolling.
Faster at a glance icons to tell when items are published/unpublished and featured. (Rolling over the icon tells you what it is for.)


If you feel any clients will be affected by this change, please let them know before the changes go live. 

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to email me at

This change will go live on May 12, 2017.