System Updates from 10/16 to 11/31

By Phil Forslund | Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Post Daily Specials to FB as One Post

Under the Actions section of the Daily Specials App on the Interface Dashboard there is a new option to Post To Facebook. With this the client will be able to post all of their daily specials to Facebook as one post. 


Once you are in this section you are able to add a message to go along with your daily specials and can also see all of your current daily specials that will be posted. After everything is set, click Post to Facebook and it will look like this:


The interface needs to be connected to the client's Facebook page for this to work. See Posting to Facebook manual on how to do this connection.

Further Development: We are going to be adding an image upload function to go with the post as well. This should be live soon.

Reduced Links on Live Content

The Interface Live Content is being changed to only one link for the whole item instead of having multiple links. Before, the logo, title and image would each be a link. Now the whole item is a link. Take a look at the screen shot above as an example of a daily special item. This item also has a rollover effect when the user goes over it. This was done to make clicking on items easier for the user but also for SEO, as this will reduce the number of links that are on a page. This is live on the live content pages and will soon be live on the interface as well.

Real Estate

  • New sorts were added to listing pages for location and number of bedrooms.
  • Listing now start with the sorting of highest to lowest price instead of being grouped by agent.
  • A new price slider has been added to pinpoint the price range of the property the user is looking for.

Take a look here:

Content Carousel 

The carousels now have a javascript onload event where they render once the page is completely loaded. This was changed to help with site speed but was also done to increase SEO on the pages, as this was this first thing Google was seeing on the page. They are now seeing the editorial content in the main container first instead of the carousel.  We have noticed about a 15% increase in site speed with this change.


  • A tasks section has been added to help keep track of these that need to be completed. Tasks have three different types (Sale, Production & Writing), and you can add notes to the task and assign who is responsible for this task and when the start and end date are. The system will also send email notifications about this task. 
  • Account Pages – Tabs were added to the View and Edit of Accounts to better organize the data.  
  • Tweaks and patches have been done across the system to better support sales. This section is still being beta tested and developed. Please send any tweaks or issues in a support ticket. 

Manuals Section

A new manuals sections has been added to the platform. This can be accessed by clicking on the Manuals shortcut link on My Workbench or in the Support section. There are currently more than 50 manuals listed in the section about the platform and have been broken up into categories and by topic for easy access.

Time Tracking

A new Timesheets function was add into the platform for editorial staff. Now writing staff can enter their time directly in the system instead of using another platform. The time tracking works in three different Time Period Methods. These methods are used to make sure time is entered into the correct pay period and time is not entered outside the current time period. 

None – Want to be able to track time but Time Periods for paychecks don't matter. 
Interval – Used when the Time Period is a set length. Exp: 14 days.
Manual – Time Periods are random and need to be configured by hand. 

Currently only Interval is working on the platform, but None and Manual are currently being worked on and should be live soon.

At the end of the Time Period, the platform will send detailed timesheets to set recipients for review.

You now can see My Timesheets and Timesheets on your Workbench. My Timesheets is where you would track your own time, and Timesheets is where you can see a summary or detailed display of everyone who has entered time into the system.

Image Size Requirements

All the changes below were to help increase site speed as most of the images that were being uploaded on the site were over-sized. 

  • The Enhanced Listing Logo is now required to be 150x150 pixels, and the file must be less than 25kb. 
  • Interface Profile Banners must be 1175x425, and the file must be less than 150kb.
  • Interface Mobile Banners must be 600x400, and the file must be less than 75kb.
  • Site and Subdestination Banners must be less than 200kb.
  • Eat | Shop | Play | Stay block images on the homepages must be less than 35kb.
  • Slideshow Banners on Live Content Sites must be less than 100kb.


Giveaways that are completed no longer show up in the site search function. 


  • jQuery version was updated and made consistent across the site and themes.
  • Updates were made to the XML Sitemaps to keep 403 pages from showing in the site map. Most of the 403 pages are unpublished Interface Live Content.
  • Fixed issues with the display of Tubepress on the site. 
  • Double checked that site backups are being completed correctly on all servers.
  • Support ticket email titles have been updated to the following: [Site Name Support] Ticket Subject [#000000]
  • Fixed an SSL Server misconfiguration – If a domain was entered using www. into the browser in Firefox or Edge, the site was showing as unsecured even though the site had an SSL. 
  • Fixed an issue with drag and drop menus structures where you weren't able to move items around.


If you have any questions or comments. Feel free to email